Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thoughts on Ghazzah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim

With all the murders being committed by the nazisrael zionist machine against the Palestinians in Ghazzah it's interesting how there are individuals who have taken a position that essentially says the suffering being dropped on the Palestinians is equivalent what the Israelis are facing. What is even more saddening is when individuals make the claim that the Palestinians are suffering because of the actions taken by certain groups in Ghazzah. When I hear some of these claims and ideas I am usually stopped in my movement and wonder where these thoughts come from and how they even develop.
Let's understand something, Palestine is an occupied land and it has been so for the last 6 decades. Because of what happened not as a result of Palestinians, or Arabs or even Germans in general but a particular German regime the people in Palestine were first occupied, then had their land taken, then were killed, ethnically cleansed and squeezed into an area that is less than a quarter of what it originally was. From that time to the present the Arab population of Palestine has been subject to abuse, harassment, arrests, murders and essential liquidation. Keep in mind again that this has been occurring for 60 years. These things that have been happening were not caused by the Palestinians, they did not start it, nor did they exacerbate it yet the blame is repeatedly placed on them.
One thing that I've been hearing constantly in the last few days during these events is that both sides are using these situations for political gain. For the Israelis this assertion is understandable. There's an election coming up in the very near future and some parties want to appear more capable of ruling the country and protecting it from harm and additionally they want to save face from their miscalculations with the 2006 encounter with Lebanon. However, this same accusation is thrown in the face of certain Palestinian groups. The accusation says that the Palestinian groups are wanting to gain political power and power over the society even at the cost of innocent lives. Statements like these are extremely ridiculous to me. In what way do these Palestinian groups and their leaders gain? How many of these leaders are driving a Rolls or a Bentley? How many palaces and mansions are there in Palestine? What kind of riches are there in Palestine, one of the most densely populated countries on this earth? On top of that how could anyone benefit when they are under virtual house arrest while they are being targeted for death at every turn they make, with every morsel of food they eat and sip of liquid they drink? Where's the benefit coming from? What material gain is there when putting one's life on the line everyday, every minute, every second and being locked in a virtual prison?
Another accusation made is that this thing is an "us against them" thing, that certain groups are against other groups due to religious differences. When has this been the case in Palestine? If we take the opportunity to read and to listen to what those people involved with this situation have to say we see that for the most part it's not the religious differences that provoke these situation, it's the oppression meted out to the oppressed that bring out the anger in individuals.
When a person or a group is being oppressed do they not have the right to defend themselves and protect themselves? Yet, when they do, the oppressor doesn't say that they're protecting themselves against oppression, the tyrant says they're haters, they're racists, they're this that and the other. It's to be expected for the murderer to say such a thing but for people to carry the line and run with it is extremely shameful. It's judging a situation that's been in the works for years upon years with various dynamics within them and simply looking at the superficial make up of the situation and judging everything based on that surface appearance. There is no way a judgment can be soundly made like that.
I still find it hard to understand how individuals can put an oppressor and the oppressed into the same category, they're not the same, their position is not the same, their power is not the same. There is more give and room for the oppressor and less for the oppressed. Who can compromise? The oppressor, they have more, in fact they possess most and therefore have more to give away while the oppressed does not. Some say that both sides are violent...I say one side is violent and one side is preserving life and limb against being put at the level of animals. Do people not have a right to protect themselves? Maybe it's thought that since the oppressor is being violent, the oppressed should take the higher road and resort to getting help from groups like the UN however, this is impossible, the UN won't help the so-called lower classes of humanity. For the most part the UN benefits the countries which are in the so-called upper echelon and those countries which are aligned with it. The U.S. is the most powerful country in the UN and exercises extreme authority within that "international" body and in the case of what's going on now, exercises it for the benefit of the nazisraelis. Time after time since its inception nazisrael has been given resolution after resolution to follow and abide by which have been in favour of the Palestinians yet the zionist nation has blatantly treated these resolutions with disregard and disrespect with no penalties faced. They repeatedly commit crime after crime and act with disrespect for human rights with no penalties incurred. Who can the Palestinians turn to then? The Arab nations don't protect it, they don't help with much aid, the UN doesn't, it's an isolated and lonely nation that's brutally treated by zionist dogs so what exactly should the Palestinians do? Surely they want peace, but can there ever be peace without justice, human rights, human dignity, basic respect? Malcolm X once said a man can never be at peace if he doesn't have freedom...what freedom does the Palestinian have? So much demand after demand is placed on the Palestinians while little is placed on the Israelis, it should be the reverse, yet its not. Too many of us who are here, comfortable in our couches, with windows in our panes, light in the rooms, heat for the winter night are so quick to pass judgment and we don't even ask the people what they themselves want, how they feel, what they feel. Sometimes people ask "if you had a magic power, what would it be"? If I had a magic power, I would put everyone who judges the Palestinian in Palestine, to live there, for life....lose hope, be stuck in an imprisoned country and then make the judgment call.

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